Monday, February 06, 2006

Cartoon Tamasha!!!!

Mountain out of molehill...That is precisely what is happening with impending cartoon controversy...Apparently a danish news paper has published a controversial cartoon portraying Prophet Mohammad in a negative way..Tempers are flaying... buidings are burning and protests are being staged all around..The danish embassy has been set ablaze by miscreants in Syria..protests are being staged in lebenon and other muslim nations...The issue all together has a new dimention
 with a ChristianVSMuslim battle image being splashed across...

True to the core..the happenings have been regrettable indeed..It hurts most when the very beliefs and principles on which one bases and leads his life is being rediculed upon...But the question to be answered is,that having happened how should one react ?????What is the judicious way to handle the situation...???

The answer is that one should percieve these events as an oppurtunity to implement the values that he/she upholds.How ironic that "Prophet mohammed" the person in whose name the showdown is being staged, is in himself the perceived as epitome of peace and harmony..

That having said it should not be forgotten that the freedom of press should be channelised in the right direction..This holds not only for the fourth estate but also for other forms like TV and even internet..Of late the premier channels in UK and US are bent upon widening the east-west divide....Having made a mess out of Iraq, Iran is the nation with the capability of procuring so called WMD!!!!!..The electoral victory of Hamas has also been a huge setback for the advocation of "westenised " version of democracy..

It is high time responsible nations take a stock at what has been gained and lost in the so called "War on terror"..The end result of the whole exercise is that the line of differetiation with between terrorist and the protectors of the world has faded off....!!!!

May common sense persist.....

1 comment:

Sami said...

rama..paathu...cartoon oda sethu onnayum yerichuda poraanga....beware man,.,.moreover..u seem to be goin around europe..where the rage has caught up./..
