The Vedic Scriptures mention that there are 4 ways to attain self realization:
1.Bhakathi yoga- Worship of god and all beings.
2.Karma Yoga-Action-Service to all
3.Njana yoga- Knowledge, wisdom and introspection
I once listened an interesting parallel of the above 4 forms. The speaker compared it to making boost.
To make boost you need milk, sugar and boost powder
1.The milk in the boost is equivalent to Bhakthi Yoga.Milk is the most foundational element to boost.You can even drink milk on its own without adding any other ingredients.Similarly the Bhakthi yoga is the most elementary form of attaining god.One needs to have respect to all forms of beings with the understanding that every living/non living objects are manifestation of god.
2.If you add sugar to the milk,it becomes even more tastier and palatable. The sugar in this mixture is equivalent to KarmaYoga.In addition to worshipping all living/non living beings,if a person also extends the philosophy so as serve all the creations by means of karma yoga,the inherent quality in the person is much more enriched and sweetened.
3.As the next step,you add boost powder to this mixture of milk and sugar.The objective of boost powder is to provide additional vitamins and nutrients and increase the mental acumen and energy levels.The boost powder is equivalent to Njana yoga.In addition to worship and service,if the person seeks knowledge from books as well as his/others experience,he becomes much more sharper and wiser.
4.As the final step,even if you have made the boost with milk,sugar and boost powder,one must know how to drink it.The art of drinking the boost is equivalent to Raja Yoga/meditation.In other words,meditation helps one sail the ocean of "samsara" without getting attached.This is same as the concept of detatched attachment wherein you do your worldly duties but are internally detatched from material aspects.This is also akin to the example of lotus in a pond which doesn't get wet.
If all the 4 components above are in the right propotion,it helps one lead a balanced and contented life.