UPA has been at the eye of storm over the one past year.It has been one issue after another…2G Scam,CWG scam,Adarsh Scam,controversial CVC appointment,terrorism,midnight swoop on Baba Ramdev,Anna Hazare’s anticorruption crusade,, Price rise,controversy over FDI in Retail,economic slowdown…ok…I have stopped counting now.Call it the cosmic maya….the mother of all the tornadoes has been reserved towards the end. The Centre is fast advancing toward the nucleus of a Chakravyuha from which retracting might become an humungous affair.Ironically this controversy also presents UPA with a brilliant opportunity
to rise back as a phoenix thereby demonstrating the true potential of a federal governance.
Saga 1-The Dam episode
Kerala and Tamilnadu has been at loggerheads on the Mullaperiyar Dam over the last many years.This dam which had been constructed by the British in 1890’s is owned and located in Kerala but operated by Tamilnadu under a lease agreement made for a period of 999 years.The water from the dam is used to meet the irrigation needs of close to 4 districts of TN as well as to for the generation of power.Kerala has been raising concerns over the safety of the dam and the threat that it is posing to the inhabitants in the adjoining areas.In what has been described as a “Water bomb”,Kerala has insisted reduction of water levels from present day 136 ft to 120 ft as an immediate remedy as well as decommission it and build a new dam to ensure safety.The recent tremors along this area has also prompted Kerala to bring this agenda to the center point.Tamilnadu has been pitching in for increasing the levels to 142 ft to meet the irrigation needs and to reduce the crop losses.It has been confident on the safety of the dam and has dismissed Kerala’s concerns as a product of fear psychosis.
Saga 2-The Nuclear plant episode
Koodankulam Nuclear plant was conceived to be built as a result of an intergovernment agreement between India and Russia(erstwhile USSR) way back in 1988.Consequent to the USSR disintegration,the plan was on hold until the construction began in 1997.There has been widespread protest from the inception, on the safety of the nuclear reactor as a viable alternative for the power deficit state of Tamilnadu.
Mullaperiar dam and the Koodankulam nuclear plant presents two sides of the same coin.On one side,while Mullaperiar dam is in limelight over the safety of people on the Kerala border,the koodankulam plant has gained prominance on account of threat it poses to people in Tamilnadu.One is touted as “water bomb”,where as the other has the potential of becoming a “nuclear bomb”.On the other side of the story,both Mullaperiar Dam as well as Koodankulam Plant promises far reaching benefits in the areas of irrigation as well as power generation respectively.It can only be termed as “the invisible hand of god”, that the UPA is presented with an uncomfortable situation of having to diffuse the “water bomb” as well as the “nuclear bomb” at the same point in time.
Centre finds itself at the epicenter of a political bermuda triangle, which poses to threaten the very root of delivering equitable justice in a federal hierarchy.In the event that the Centre pushes in hard on the Koodankulam issue,Tamilnadu might harden its stand on the Mullaperiar dam, since the same “safety” yardstick which is being claimed by Kerala was subverted by Centre in the first place.On the other hand,if the Centre relents to the safety concerns on the Koodankulam plant,then Kerala could use it as a wild card to strengthen the Mullaperiar case.UPA finds itself caught between the extremes and it would take political “chanakya” to evolve with an out of the box solution which is applicable to the identical situations faced by both Kerala and Tamilnadu.At this juncture that seems like a distant possibility(P Chidambaram,PM Comments)
Its going to be a long tug of war …God speed to the people…
Interesting ... but more than these two ... its Anna and team which is pulling the Govt down
I thought you would cover on that topic, since its very close to your heart
Pliss be writing on why you think on why Team Anna has exclusive right over Anti-corruption marches/fasts and other assorted protests and why is it always their way or highway... why are people either Anna bhakts or corrupt congresswalas?
@Anush..The objective of the current article was to delve into dilemma faced by Centre in delivering a solution for the KL-TN tug of war.Anna hazare's anti corruption movement is a more straightforward acc 2 me since it is about "being write" for the govt in the eyes of the public.You have covered it beautifully in your post to which i have left a comment too:)
Nice one. There are lots of other issues in hand as well for the Centre. ...Maoists, Srilankan Tamils issue to name a few. I think nation wide there are plenty of imminent problems to address as you have mentioned. Would be interesting to see how they are prioritized and tackled.
Btw couldn't get the BD out of you could u? Referring to "Tamilnadu is pitching in for" :D
Nice post!
I guess the govt would wait until the result of elections in the 5 states and depending on the political situation then, take a hard stand against either the UDF in Kerala or AIADMK in TN - most likely the latter if DMK continues to be part of the coalition.
All large public projects will inconvenience few sections of people. So big deal ... Of course, my stand would be different, if they plan to build a nuclear reactor near my house :-)
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