Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rooftops of Tehran(Book Review)

Book:Rooftops of Tehran
Author:Mahbod Seraji
Read: Dec 2011

Rooftops of Tehran is a beautiful illustration of how true love blossoms and survives under extremely adverse circumstances.Author Mahbod Seraji has set the story in the rustic streets of Tehran(Iran) in the era of 1970’s when she was ruled ruled by the autocratic Shah.The freedom of speech and expression was severely crushed with Iron hands in this era.In this backdrop,a complex love story is intricately weaved between the 17 year old protagonist Pasha and his neighbor Zari.The story takes us through the unimaginable
hardships faced by Pasha,Zari and their families under the tyrant political regime and how they manage to pull on and stay optimistic in the promise of a better tomorrow.
One cannot help but feel deeply connected with the characters portrayed in the story.Author literally transports us to the streets of Iran by painting a vivid picture of the people,their customs,beliefs and way of life.This cultural migration in the heart of the reader is the biggest forte of the novel.We smile at the instant humor of Ahmed,admire the beauty of Zari,respect the intellect of the doctor and feel the pain of Pasha as the story unfolds.The book is also packed with some smart twists which makes one feel for the characters at the center of the emotional saga. The biggest let away of such a marvelously crafted story is the only too predictable climax.Although the author has tried to close out on an optimistic note,the reader picks up the forcefully concealed suspense chapters ahead of the ending.I would go with a 3.5/5 for the Rooftops of Tehran from Mahbod Seraji ,which takes us on a rollercoaster ride adolescence,humor & pathos in the backdrop of an Iranian culture caught between extreme oppression and evolution of a rebellious,radical mindset.


Anush said...

Cool... nice to see you liked it!

I stake my claim to credit for introducing this to you :)

Ramki said...

Definitely..I owe my renewed passion for reading over last 6 months thanks to rich resources @ your disposal.
