Monday, May 25, 2009 2 comments

Self Realization

There are those moments in your life when you feel utterly pathetic and useless..You wake up,go through the motion and hit the bed only to realise that you are more hollow than you were when the day began..You can literally see life slipping through like a handful of sand seeping through the fingers when they are folded..The life is folding on you and your energy and zest is seeping through inch by inch...moment by moment...You are diving into the nadir of deep despondency and utter emptiness..You can feel it like a creature being sucked in by the quick sand..Its engulfing you and you are sinking in...It draws in you inch by inch day by day...The ultimate tragedy is the fact that you are letting it happen...YOU ARE LETTING IT HAPPEN TO YOU....Yet..deep inside your sinister mind,
Saturday, March 21, 2009 2 comments

Firaaq-Noble in intention but ineffective in Portyal

FiraaqFiraaq a movie based on the aftermath of the Godhra incidents showcases characters whos life has been affected in a multitude of ways.An upper middle class mixed couple,a muslim boy,a hindu wife who lives in the pang of guilt,a muslim auto driver and a hindustani singer are portayed to demonstrate various emotions that runs through people post incidents and the way they react and recuperate from it.True to the credit of the movie,it has been successful in interlacing a range of emotions